Private Bookmarking Service Launched

Bookmarking service


How do you enter the address of the websites in your browser, for sites that you visit regularly? Do you type it in, or pick it up from Favorites/Bookmarks? Or maybe you search for the relevant keywords in Google/Yahoo and then click on the result? Bookmarking anyone?

I used to face a big problem while browsing. I had to visit internal pages with long URLs and these were quite difficult to remember. Like all of us, I started using the Favorites/Bookmarks but the straight line lists were very difficult to navigate. Then I had the problem of needing to access these bookmarks from other computers when I was travelling or at a client location.

All this prompted us at Ebizindia to launch this private bookmarks service that will be fast and free – no ads, no spam. I get to put any number of sites on a single page, neatly arranged so that I can visit any of these sites with just 1-click! I have bookmarked news sites, my online bank account login pages, blogs, and forums that I cannot live without and like.

You are welcome to register your own personal bookmarks page (takes about 40 seconds), add a few sites, and experience the convenience for yourself. Once you have used it for a few hours, you will never go back to type the website addresses again. That’s a promise!